In the context of the French Presidency of European Union, the Council of State of France hold in Paris, with the collaboration of the European Commission (DG Environment) and the Association of the Councils of State and the Supreme administrative Jurisdictions EU, a colloquium about "The Judge in Europe and Community Environment Law". |
The opening speech was hold by Mr J-M. Sauvé, Vice-President of the Council of State of France, who described the objectives and the key issues to debate during the colloquium meaning the organization, in 2009, of training seminars for the judges of the members of EU and working meetings between judges of different nationalities and the European Commission to improve the mutual knowledge of the working methods. |
Judges of the Supreme administrative Jurisdictions members of the Association took part as speakers in the 5 round tables. Mr Jan Passer, judge in the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic was one of them. | |
Mr Georges Ravarani, President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Luxembourg and actually President of the Association of the Councils of State and the Supreme administrative Jurisdictions EU, played the role of moderator in one of the round tables. |