1. The General Assembly

The General Assembly is composed of all the members and all the observers. The members of ACA-Europe are:

for the European Union : the Court of Justice of the European Union,
for Austria : the Administrative Court,
for Belgium : the Council of State,
for Bulgaria : the Supreme Administrative Court,
for Cyprus : the Supreme Court,
for Croatia : the High Administrative Court,
for the Czech Republic : the Supreme Administrative Court,
for Denmark : the Supreme Court,
for Estonia : the Supreme Court,
for Finland : the Supreme Administrative Court,
for France : the Council of State,
for Germany : the Federal Administrative Court,
for Greece : the Council of State,
for Hungary : the Supreme Court,
for Ireland : the Supreme Court,
for Italy : the Council of State,
for Latvia : the Supreme Court,
for Lithuania : the Supreme Administrative Court,
for Luxembourg : the Council of State and the Administrative Court,
for Malta : the Court of Appeal,
for the Netherlands : the Council of State,
for Poland : the Supreme Administrative Court,
for Portugal : the Supreme Administrative Court,
for Romania : the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Legislative Council,
for Slovakia : the Supreme Administrative Court,
for Slovenia : the Supreme Court,
for Spain : the Supreme Court,
for Sweden : the Supreme Administrative Court,

The observers admitted by the association are:

for Albania : the Supreme Court,
for Montenegro : the Supreme Court,
for Serbia : the Supreme Court,
for Türkiye : the Council of State.

The guests admitted by the association are:

for Norway : the Supreme Court,
for Switzerland : the Federal Supreme Court.
for the United Kingdom : the Supreme Court.

2. Board

The president of ACA-Europe is the president of the jurisdiction which is organizing the biennial colloquium. The two vice-presidents are the presidents of the jurisdiction which has organized the past colloquium and of the one which is going to organize the next colloquium. The secretary general, the treasurer and the auditor are elected by the General Assembly. The representative of the Court of Justice of the European Communities is appointed by the President of the Court.

The board is composed as follows:

President : Mr Kari KUUSINIEMI
President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland
Vice-president : Mr Michail PIKRAMENOS
President of the council of State of Greece
Vice-president : Mr Luigi MARUOTTI
President of the Council of State of Italy
Representative CJEU : Mr Thomas VON DANWITZ
Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union
Secretary general : Mr Geert DEBERSAQUES
President of Chamber at the Council of State of Belgium
Commissioner : Mr Jacek CHLEBNY
 President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland
Commissioner : Mr. Erik KERSEVAN
Judge at the Supreme Court of Slovenia
Auditor : Mrs Martine DE BOISDEFFRE
President of the Studies, Research and Cooperation Section of the Council of State of France
Invited member : Ivo PILVING
President of the Administrative Law Chamber of the Supreme Court of Estonia
Invited member : Mr. Luigi CARBONE
President of Chamber of the Council of State of Italy

3. General secretariat

The general secretariat is established at the Council of State of Belgium.

rue de la Science, 33

Geert Debersaques

Assistant Secretary-general/Responsible Budget/Responsible Seminars
Joris Casneuf

Assistant Secretary-general//Responsible Judge exchange
Katty Lauvau

Responsible JuriFast
Julie Kestermans

Responsible Content
Anke Meskens

Responsible Dec-Nat/Forum
Christophe Stassart

Bart Vandeloock